Scientific committee

Azizjon Alimov (IÉSEG School of Management)

Jérémie Bertrand (IÉSEG School of Management)

Aurore Burietz (IÉSEG School of Management)

Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp)

Nico Dewaelheyns (KU Leuven)

Egle Karmaziene (VU Amsterdam)

Niels Hermes (University of Groningen)

Marie Lambert (HEC Liège, University of Liège)

Thomas Lambert (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)

Stefano Lugo (Utrecht University)

Mathieu Luypaert (Vlerick Business School)

Virginie Mattaigne (Gent University)

Kim Oosterlinck (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University)

Roberto Steri (University of Luxembourg)

James Thewissen (UC Louvain)

Mohammed Zakriya (IÉSEG School of Management)

Prabesh Luitel (IÉSEG School of Management)

Tinghua Duan (IÉSEG School of Management)

Gaël Leboeuf (Université Aix-Marseille)

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